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trendy bendy

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Like most people, I often wake up in the middle of the night thinking about what kind of corporate exhibition I might like to put on in a large convention centre.

Deep down, I know that whether it's an exhibition showing off the virtues of sushi, or an event selling a variety of miniature shrines, or even a get together of people marketing gently scented tatami mats, I'll need people in costumes to give demonstrations, or to just lie on the product in a sexy way.

So imagine my delight when I happened upon the aptly named Bendy, a catalogue full of lovely ladies (and one man) dressed in a variety of sensible clothing.

Bendy is your number one stop for all your exhibition needs.

Could this woman sell YOUR product?

The catalogue consists of 39 lady pages. Page 40 shows a man in a number of blazers with a perfectly poised fist and smile....

member treatment

Sunday, February 17, 2008
It's been a long time coming, but beauty clinics have finally begun to branch out into areas they had hitherto dared not go.

That's right, the male member has now entered the mushrooming market of beauty care. So guys, if your schlong has lost its sheen, if your equipment needs exfoliating, or if you simply want some cream rubbed into it, then this new clinic is the place for you.

A range of treatments are available.

A beauty clinic to make your nob look beautiful again.

And after it's been given the once over, or even the twice over, you'll be able to enter this establishment bulging with confidence and with a twinkle in your eye....

choco messaging

Saturday, February 09, 2008
So once again, Valentine's Day is almost upon us.

As most people know, in Japan it's a one way street, with the women buying choco for the men. Exactly one month later, on White Day, the men buy cookies for the women, and exactly one month after that, on Happy Day, the choco and cookie companies count their massive profits.

But first up it's Valentine's Day. Supermarkets and convenience stores are currently packed to the rafters with choco of every shape, size, taste and price.

The names of the choco can be interesting too. Should any woman want to leave the man of her dreams in no doubt as to her desired intentions, she can message him through the choco..........

For example, she might very well have the

....in which case she'll probably be wanting some hanky

....and almost certainly a

....you never know, she might even want her

Boobs Fondled - a ridiculous name for a bar of choco

a culinary cull?

Saturday, February 02, 2008
Japanese fishermen appear to be having a whale of a time down in Antarctica as they resume their hunt for the mammoth mammals, specifically for scientific research - and possibly a sandwich or two.

Greenpeace's ship has now returned to base having spent several weeks doing its best to disrupt the expedition.

The Japanese fleet plans to kill about 900 minke whales and 50 fin whales by mid-April for what it says is a scientific research programme.

Back in Japan, the laboratory awaits....

The test tubes are under the fancy napkins.

And the scientists are also looking forward to getting down to work....

A Japanese chef scientist adds the final touches chemical in a bid to see whether whale blubber can be used in desserts plasma television screens.

According to this website, the Japanese government claim to have "...scientific proof that commercial whaling of certain species would not have a negative effect on the species as a whole."

But try telling that to the whales....

The ongoing research is designed to determine things such as population numbers.

But there is growing evidence that the whales are staging a fightback....

Some people believe that soon after the expedition returns from the Antarctic in April, the whales will quickly find themselves back between the burger buns.

Whale burgers - too cute to eat?