gratuitous sakura

I'm stunned. The authorities have BANNED my sakura photograph under the 1907 Obscene Publications Act. A letter delivered to me this morning stated that my photograph displayed "gratuitous sexual imagery and some long floppy things."
They added that my photo was a potentially corrupting influence on society and that publication would result in a lengthy jail term. Utterly absurd.
So I'm sorry that on this occasion I'm unable to share my sakura picture with you. However, after spending much of the day studying the minutiae of this ridiculous law, I've managed to find a compromise. Please enjoy the mosaic version below.

On Thursday, 06 April, 2006,
katioschka said:
On Thursday, 06 April, 2006,
Citizen_Stu said:
On Thursday, 06 April, 2006,
Niels Brouwers said:
On Friday, 07 April, 2006,
Claytonian said:
On Friday, 07 April, 2006,
Between daisies said:
On Friday, 07 April, 2006,
potpourri said:
I'm thoroughly disappointed and i'll continue to come back every single day to screen your blog on behalf of the authorities.
On Saturday, 15 April, 2006,
Marie said:
Love your blog!
On Sunday, 06 August, 2006,
Absiegirl said:
This has got to be the most disgusting of all sakura pictures. Too much detail, even in censorship.
love your blog. too entertaining...i forget my deadlines..
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