fishy record

Osaka can claim many records, a quick glance in the Guinness Book of Records will confirm this.
Its most impressive record was confirmed in the 1970s, when Norris McWhirter visited for a seafood lunch. Yes, for over 30 years, Osaka has proudly held the record for The World's Largest Wall-Mounted Crab. Forget Tallest Building, Biggest Park or Most Restaurants. Waste of time. Instead, Osaka went for The World's Largest Wall-Mounted Crab – and won. The crab even moves.
It will come as little surprise that the restaurant inside prides itself on its crab dishes. Just as the restaurant below prides itself on its dragon dishes. I ate their recently and I must say, it was rather tasty. A bit like chicken.

On Tuesday, 04 April, 2006,
Marie said:
On Tuesday, 04 April, 2006,
Simon said:
On Wednesday, 05 April, 2006,
Anonymous said:
Keep them coming.
On Wednesday, 05 April, 2006,
Anonymous said:
On Friday, 14 April, 2006,
Anonymous said:
I may be wrong though...
On Friday, 28 April, 2006,
Niels Brouwers said:
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