forget-the-year frivolities
It was Bob Geldof who wrote the immortal words, "It's Christmas time. There's no need to be afraid." But in Japan there is reason to be afraid, for it's around this time of year that the streets become extremely hazardous, awash with stumbling salarymen swaying hither and thither, having consumed far more alcohol than their vital organs can handle.
The reason for this common sight is because December is the month when companies in Japan hold their forget-the-year parties. Unfortunately, many workers drink so much that they also forget their names, their way home, and how to control their bladders.
It's known as the bonenkai party, which is almost an anagram of "bonkers", a word that accurately describes the anarchic antics that often occur at such events.
The bonenkai is the one time of year when employees have a good chance of seeing their boss tanked to the eyeballs. However, they won't ever remember this entertaining episode because they themselves will also be mullered beyond recognition, helpfully ensuring that the all-important wa is maintained.
A bonenkai typically involves downing a lot of these...........

....travelling home like this....

....and, just outside the front door, doing something like this....
The reason for this common sight is because December is the month when companies in Japan hold their forget-the-year parties. Unfortunately, many workers drink so much that they also forget their names, their way home, and how to control their bladders.
It's known as the bonenkai party, which is almost an anagram of "bonkers", a word that accurately describes the anarchic antics that often occur at such events.
The bonenkai is the one time of year when employees have a good chance of seeing their boss tanked to the eyeballs. However, they won't ever remember this entertaining episode because they themselves will also be mullered beyond recognition, helpfully ensuring that the all-important wa is maintained.
A bonenkai typically involves downing a lot of these...........

....travelling home like this....

....and, just outside the front door, doing something like this....

On Sunday, 09 December, 2007,
OzBurger said:
Stupid old drunk people.
On Sunday, 09 December, 2007,
lina said:
On Sunday, 09 December, 2007,
Chris said:
I'm glad I already ate dinner before seeing that tofu and saki vomit. Nice blog by the way!
On Monday, 10 December, 2007,
Anonymous said:
On Tuesday, 11 December, 2007,
owenandbenjamin said:
On Wednesday, 12 December, 2007,
Z said:
On Wednesday, 12 December, 2007,
Harvey said:
On Wednesday, 12 December, 2007,
Anonymous said:
On Thursday, 13 December, 2007,
Citizen_Stu said:
On Friday, 14 December, 2007,
Unbalanced Reaction said:
On Saturday, 15 December, 2007,
Gabriele Rebagliati said:
On Saturday, 15 December, 2007,
owenandbenjamin said:
On Saturday, 15 December, 2007,
Anonymous said:
On Thursday, 27 December, 2007,
TokyoMade(東京メイド) said:
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