talking out of his aso?
Japan's prime minister Taro Aso has been at it again, offending various members of the community in his quest to insult everyone in the entire country before he leaves office. He's doing pretty well.
Just recently he managed to cross doctors and parents off the list - on the same day.
Earlier in the year he compared the main opposition party to the Nazis, which one can safely assume put their backs up somewhat.
Last year he decided to look beyond the Japanese populace and offend those with blue eyes and blonde hair instead. Soon after that, Alzheimer's sufferers got a look-in.
The other day he crossed an entire demographic off the list when he criticised old people for being, well, so damn old.
Even vending machines have had the Aso treatment....

Read on for some more legendary Aso-moments....

Then there was the famous "be" incident. Not particularly offensive, but slightly alarming.

He's recently been turning his attention to the animal community...

Though the pair down in Namba took his comments in their stride....
Just recently he managed to cross doctors and parents off the list - on the same day.
Earlier in the year he compared the main opposition party to the Nazis, which one can safely assume put their backs up somewhat.
Last year he decided to look beyond the Japanese populace and offend those with blue eyes and blonde hair instead. Soon after that, Alzheimer's sufferers got a look-in.
The other day he crossed an entire demographic off the list when he criticised old people for being, well, so damn old.
Even vending machines have had the Aso treatment....

Read on for some more legendary Aso-moments....

Then there was the famous "be" incident. Not particularly offensive, but slightly alarming.

He's recently been turning his attention to the animal community...

Though the pair down in Namba took his comments in their stride....

On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Rafael MJ said:
Well... After all, I think it is a small price to pay for being in democracy. Greetings.
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Imagine my shock this fine Monday morning when I visited your site only to find a piece of serious journalism
full of facts.
P.S. Where can I donate my loose change to benefit those poor camels that are being discriminated against?
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Roxane said:
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Monday, 01 December, 2008,
the englishman said:
On Tuesday, 02 December, 2008,
OzBurger said:
But very cool none the less.
On Thursday, 04 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Which reminds me of the British?
No hard feelings :-)
On Thursday, 04 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Monday, 08 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Silvia (Italy)
On Monday, 08 December, 2008,
Val said:
On Tuesday, 10 February, 2009,
Anonymous said:
The 'be' incident, well, let's all just put that behind us, yes?
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