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friendly hentai

There's a magazine called Kansai Scene which keeps everyone up to date with news and events from around Osaka and beyond.

In the back of the mag are pages of classified ads, which include a Friendship section. This section often raises a smile, and occasionally an eyebrow too.

Most ads have a subtext of "I WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE MOMENT", however, the ad below tells it how it is. Straight down the line.

And the net has been cast wide with its vast age range.

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On Monday, 22 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said:

Damn it; I'm 76. I would've liked to have met this guy. Sounds like a great catch.  

On Monday, 22 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said:

Luckily he can speak Japanese well after three days as his English is a bit dodgey! Gambatte mate!!  

On Monday, 22 January, 2007, Blogger Citizen_Stu said:

It could be the porn version of An American Werewolf in London: A Perverted American in Osaka  

On Monday, 22 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said:

THis smacks of the bitter words of a japanese man whose wife has recently eloped with an American. I mean the English is all over the place, it’s rotten. So I guess it could be an English teacher after all….  

On Tuesday, 23 January, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said:

Oh I love the Kansai Scene... those two pages of classified are comedy gold.  

On Friday, 22 June, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said:

"THis smacks of the bitter words of a japanese man whose wife has recently"
I think so! Or maybe it was a teenage American GIRL judging by the style of typing... ;]  

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