a wii problem?

From Nintendo, a company born a stone's throw from Osaka, comes the Wii games console. Initially lauded as a whole lot of fun and frivolity, it is now seen by many as nothing less than an accident waiting to happen. And for some it already has.
Internet chatter has been rising in recent weeks regarding the increasing number of violent Wii-related incidents. Broken noses; fractured wrists; beheadings. The cause is Nintendo's revolutionary game controller, the Wii Remote, which requires the gamer to move their hand (thus arm) in a wildly reckless and highly irresponsible fashion, often resulting in life threatening injuries for those in the vicinity.
I've recently tried the Wii and quickly saw why this machine is such a danger. While playing the boxing game, I got so carried away that I ended up beating my friend's grandmother with the Wii Remote until I was restrained by three police officers.
While I would never suggest banning this wonderful games machine, I would however urge great caution when using it.

Holding a knife while using the Wii Remote is simply asking for trouble.

Do not hold pots of boiling water when using this controller.

An innocent forehand smash while playing the tennis game knocked a box of matches off a shelf and resulted in this.

This poor woman got it in the head.

Van Gogh is thought to have been an early user of the Wii.
On Monday, 01 January, 2007,
Citizen_Stu said:
Someone emailed me an ad for a wii sex game. I don't know if it was real or not.
On Tuesday, 02 January, 2007,
Anonymous said:
On Wednesday, 03 January, 2007,
Anonymous said:
On Saturday, 06 January, 2007,
Martini said:
On Monday, 15 January, 2007,
Anonymous said:
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt!
On Wednesday, 02 May, 2007,
Unknown said:
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