drive-thru office
Anyone who works in an office knows only too well about the annoyances that come with being in such an environment - eyestrain, backache, petty rules, pointless meetings, smelly food, photocopier fumes, colleagues....
All of the above, however, pale into insignificance as far as the workers of an office in the heart of Osaka are concerned.
These poor souls also have to contend with the risk of being knocked down by speeding traffic - just for taking a walk to the lavatory.
It can't be easy.

Drivers need to negotiate desks, chairs and water coolers when passing through. And salarymen, too.

The floor guide says it all....

Floors five, six and seven - the Hanshin Expressway. Really.

It must be rather a nuisance trying to do your work with all manner of vehicles hurtling through...

But the question is - which came first, the office or the expressway?
All of the above, however, pale into insignificance as far as the workers of an office in the heart of Osaka are concerned.
These poor souls also have to contend with the risk of being knocked down by speeding traffic - just for taking a walk to the lavatory.
It can't be easy.
Drivers need to negotiate desks, chairs and water coolers when passing through. And salarymen, too.
The floor guide says it all....

Floors five, six and seven - the Hanshin Expressway. Really.
It must be rather a nuisance trying to do your work with all manner of vehicles hurtling through...

But the question is - which came first, the office or the expressway?
On Sunday, 16 November, 2008,
Jonneh said:
On Sunday, 16 November, 2008,
Angelo said:
On Sunday, 16 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
I would also like to know which came first!
On Monday, 17 November, 2008,
the englishman said:
On Monday, 17 November, 2008,
lina said:
On Monday, 17 November, 2008,
t i m said:
On Tuesday, 18 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Apart from high cost of construction, I am not sure there is any problem with such a building.
On Tuesday, 18 November, 2008,
owenandbenjamin said:
On Tuesday, 18 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Ah, I know, none of them are Japanese!
On Tuesday, 18 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Osaka: This is how *we* roll.
On Wednesday, 19 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Saturday, 22 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
The problem is only between the ears, just as the phantom truck in the last picture
On Saturday, 22 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Saturday, 22 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Friday, 28 November, 2008,
Anonymous said:
Crazy "nihonjin"!
On Thursday, 11 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
On Thursday, 11 December, 2008,
solace said:
the Hennepin County Government Center. i can't really find any photos online that show cars driving through it though, but you definitely do.
On Monday, 15 December, 2008,
Anonymous said:
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